Why Knit Socks? Crafting Comfort and Style from Toe to Heel | Morris & Sons Australia

Knit Socks...Why would i knit them?

Selection of Regia Sock Yarn in front of 2 hand knitted socks, one red and one blue

A pair of hand knitted socks is a real luxury and make great gifts (even if it’s a gift to yourself!). Many of the staff here at Morris & Sons have a pair on the needles at all times as they make a great ‘on the go’ project that we can work on during the commute, in a lunch break or, covid permitting, while having a catch-up with friends. 

Socks are also the perfect knitting project 

A pair of teal and gold stripy hand knitted socks in Regia Premium Silk

Socks are also the perfect knitting project to test new techniques such as cables and lace. I recently decided to give helical knitting a go; this is a way to knit stripes in the round with no ‘jog’ (we will do a future post on how this magic works). It was a technique I have heard about being useful when knitting jumpers in hand dyed yarn, such as Manos del Uruguay yarn, where you alternate rows from different skeins to reduce pooling and blend any dyeing inconsistencies. These socks were knitted with Regia Premium Silk sock yarn.

We hope this inspires you to enter into the world of sock knitting but just a quick warning-sock knitting can become addictive!

Happy Knitting (or any other craft you may be doing)

Tori & Amy

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